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Intestinal Resection and Anastomosis Quiz

Chapter 11: Table of Contents

1) When performing an intestinal resection and anastomosis, all of the mesenteric arcadial and end arcadial vessels that feed the section of intestine to be resected need to be double ligated. 

  • True 
  • False

2) When performing an intestinal resection and anastomosis, the bowel ends should be cut at an angle such that the antimesenteric border is longer than the mesenteric border. 

  • True 
  • False

3) Which of the following suture materials is not appropriate for suturing the intestine? 

  • Biosyn® 
  • PDS® 
  • Maxon® 
  • Chromic Gut

4) Which of the following would not be an appropriate method for apposition and closure of the intestine? 

  • An appositional simple interrupted pattern with 3-4mm wide bites and sutures placed 2-3mm apart 
  • A simple continuous pattern performed using one single suture line for the entire circumference of intestine 
  • A simple continuous pattern performed using 2 separate suture lines (one starting at the mesenteric border and one starting at the antimesenteric border) 
  • Stapled anastomoses

5) Which of the following is an indication that a section of intestine is not viable? 

  • The colour of the intestinal loop is bright red 
  • The intestinal wall is thicker than normal upon palpation 
  • When the section of intestine is gently pinched, a peristaltic wave is initiated 
  • The colour of the intestinal wall is gray

6)Serosal patching is superior to omentalization and must be performed at the anastomosis site. 

  • True 
  • False

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