Chapter 1: Table of Contents
1) Which of the following words best describes an incision into the stomach?
- Gastrectomy
- Gastroscopy
- Gastropexy
- Gastrotomy
2) Which of the following phrases best describes the creation of a new permanent opening in the urethra through the perineal area?
- Perineal urethrotomy
- Perineal urethrostomy
- Perineal ureterostomy
- Perineal ureterotomy
3) Which of the following phrases best describes the surgical removal of part of a lung?
- Pulmonary lobotomy
- Temporal lobectomy
- Pulmonary lobectomy
- Temporal lobotomy
4) In surgical terminology, -PLASTY indicates:
- Creation of a permanent or temporary adhesion
- Creation of a new permanent opening
- Removal or an organ or part of an organ
- An alteration is performed to an organ or body structure
5) The terms used to best describe 1) making an incision into the stomach and 2) creating a permanent opening into the stomach are
- 1) Gastrotomy 2) Gastrorraphy
- 1) Gastrotomy 2) Gastropexy
- 1) Gastrostomy 2) Gastrectomy
- 1) Gastrotomy 2) Gastrostomy
6) Which of the following words best describes the surgical removal of a kidney?
- Nephrotomy
- Nephrostomy
- Nephropexy
- Nephrectomy
7) Which of the following best describes the meaning of “Abomasopexy”?
- Creation of an opening between the abomasum and the abdominal wall
- Creation of an adhesion between the abomasum and the abdominal wall
- Creation of an incision in the abomasum and the abdominal wall
- Visualization of the abomasum through an incision in the abdominal wall
8) Cheiloshisis is another term for cleft lip or harelip, knowing this; the suturing of a cleft lip would be best described as:
- Cheilotomy
- Cheilostomy
- Cheilectomy
- Cheilorraphy
9) The term used to best describe 1) cutting of the pericardium and 2) surgically removing a piece of the pericardium are:
- 1) Pericardiotomy 2) Pericardiorraphy
- 1) Pericardiotomy 2) Pericardectomy
- 1) Pericardiostomy 2) Pericardiorraphy
- 1) Pericardiostomy 2) Pericardiocentesis
10) Which of the following words best describes surgical removal of a section of the large intestine?
- Colostomy
- Colectomy
- Enterostomy
- Enterotomy